Friday, May 5, 2017
I want to cleanup most pending things.
Fidelity account
I needed to activate the Fidelity account that Red Hat had created for
me. This took, as usual, much longer than I anticipated. I ran into
half a dozen "system errors" while creating the account. Web services
are rocket science, you see
Spice: finish cleanup of alignment macros
I finished some cleanup and review of my code and pushed it. But during review, I noticed that I had mistakenly integrated a separate style-related change. I need to split that.
After split, I have something that is clean on the Linux side, but no longer builds on the macOS side. I thought my patches had been acked. But apparently not committed yet.
Trying to get my VMware Linux to boot again
Every time I boot my Linux guest, it times out during boot. I initially thought it might be related to the problems I had before. But it seems to be something new. Disabling 3D acceleration entirely does not help. Even booting 4.8 kernel does not help either.
It looks like it's no longer finding the disk. Has the disk identity somehow changed? From the emergency shell, there is no disk under /dev/by-id except the CDROM drive.
I see this in the VMware log:
2017-05-05T12:03:10.755+01:00| vmx| I120: DISKLIB-DSCPTR: Opened [8]: "/dev/disk0s6" 0 partitionUUID @partition:diskModel=APPLE|20SSD|20SM0512G,diskSerialNumber=S2ZCNY0H953078,diskSize=500277790720,partSize=98007252992,partOffset=393680519168,partMediaUUID=EE37E9C1-217B-4ADF-9620-0219EAF92483 (0x1a) 2017-05-05T12:03:10.757+01:00| vmx| I120: UtilMacOS: Unable to open "/dev/rdisk0s1": 16. 2017-05-05T12:03:10.757+01:00| vmx| I120: UtilMacOS: Unable to open "/dev/rdisk0s4": 16. 2017-05-05T12:03:10.758+01:00| vmx| I120: UtilMacOS: Unable to open "/dev/rdisk0s5": 16. 2017-05-05T12:03:10.758+01:00| vmx| I120: UtilMacOS: Unable to open "/dev/rdisk0s6": 16. 2017-05-05T12:03:10.758+01:00| vmx| I120: FILE: File_GetTimes: error stating file "/Library/Preferences/VMware Fusion/rawdiskAuthorization": No such file or directory 2017-05-05T12:03:10.758+01:00| vmx| I120: RawDiskAuthLoadPrivilegesDictionary: raw disk authorization file doesn't exist yet, will ask for authorization.
The host console has nothing about the disk.
Spent about two hours trying to fix it, without success. I could not find anything on Google that seems even vaguely related.
In the afternoon, I gave up and restored a VM on a laptop external disk. Not as convenient, since I need to have the disk connected for this to work. But I guess that will have to do for now.
Windows driver
Need to look at this effort.