Tuesday, October 17, 2017
Performance tests
In preparation for the trip in Prague (KVM Forum) and Brno in the coming two weeks, I wanted to make sure that my VPN was working OK.
There is an event for the 50 years of INRIA. And as usual
with INRIA, the Wi-Fi is all closed, so I have to resort to 4G
tethering with a rather low available bandwidth. So I'm writing this
while listening uninspired blabbering about how INRIA is a part of the
history of the world and of the Alpes Maritimes french department
So this is a good occasion to test under really bad networking
Good news: things worked the first time, and clearly, SPICE is much better than VNC in such adverse conditions. But I do have a rather high delay building up in these conditions, and, unsurprisingly, only very low frame rate. On the picture, we peak at 54 seconds, close to one minute. Clearly, the system is not usable in these conditions.
However, the very good news is that the system is very usable if you do not have very active graphics in the background. In that case, the delay even goes back to 0 quite rapidly:
Added some support in the streaming agent to vary bit rate and gop length. Here is for example what happens with a 300k avg bitrate and 800k max bitrate:
50 years of INRIA
The sub-prefect of Grasse is promising marvels for the next 50 years
based on the progresses made possible by Moore's law. Which everybody
knows is dead now But he says that INRIA will manage to avoid
"overheating" human beings. What?
After over one hour, we finally get to the interesting part, a talk about software heritage, a foundation to record all source code. Up until now, it has been all boring pontification.
Christophe F wrote a small gitlab.yml file for ovirt:
image: fedora:latestbefore_script: - dnf install wget make dnf-plugins-core -y - dnf install http://resources.ovirt.org/pub/yum-repo/ovirt-release41.rpm -y - dnf copr enable @spice/nightly -y - dnf copr enable teuf/nsis -y - wget https://fedorapeople.org/groups/virt/virtio-win/virtio-win.repo -O /etc/yum.repos.d/virtio-win.repo - wget https://people.freedesktop.org/~teuf/ovirt-4.1.repo -O /etc/yum.repos.d/ovirt-4.1.repo - make ovirt-guest-tools-iso.spec - dnf builddep ovirt-guest-tools-iso.spec -y
makecheck: script: - make