Thursday, November 9, 2017
The weather is still lousy, but I feel much better now.
Reading of the day
It looks like someone finally figured out that Bitcoin was bad for the planet. Not fully convinced by the approach. In my opinion, assuming that hard disks are empty is making short work of what disks, notably SSDs, do with their free space.
The french journalists are having a field day mocking Trump to "celebrate" his first year as a US president. One year later, they are still bitter and seek revenge. Time to move on, folks.
Interesting set of slides about C and C++ "in depth". Not many errors or oversights, and hitting hard on the average C programmer with what sounds like a few years of experience getting bogus answers.
Intel will develop their own discrete GPUs. What else is new?
Spice testing
Ran overnight on macOS without much delay building up. There was still a bit of delay (~1 minute, still way too high), but it was only playback side, and the machine caught up relatively rapidly.
Resurrected my Jenkins
Restarted the Jenkins instance on my old trusty Nano. This morning,
the machine was really slow to start, I don't know why. Maybe I just
forgot how old and slow this machine really is. It's OK as long as all
it does is give work to others
Everything is red. Yuck. Some work needs to be done here. Actually, part of the builds did not have any success in 6 months. OK. Time to really fix this.
In addition to the changes that were suggested by Christophe, I started working on making the recorder work again on MinGW. Problem is all the missing stuff, notably <regex.h> and mmap. Most export functions will just have to go away on MinGW I guess.
Lenovo laptop stuck
Can't login. The mouse is still moving, but I cannot type anything. Ended up rebooting it remotely via ssh. Even ssh was sluggish. Did my pending spice session eat all memory? I thought the issues had been fixed.