Happy Birthday

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Entering my 50th year. Hard

Added some Monty Python dialogues to my Build presentation.

Fighting some issues with the streaming agent:

% DISPLAY=:1 spice-streaming-agent -c blocking=no
spice-streaming-agent[2390]: UNKNOWN msg of type 5
spice-streaming-agent[2390]: BAD VERSION 0 (expected is 1)
spice-streaming-agent[2390]: BAD VERSION 108 (expected is 1)
spice-streaming-agent[2390]: BAD VERSION 97 (expected is 1)
spice-streaming-agent[2390]: read command from device FAILED -- read 1 expected 8
spice-streaming-agent[2390]: FAILED to read command

Realized that after the latest High Sierra upgrade, while my partitions still boot as partitions, VMware is now complaining. I could easily restore the Win10 partition because it's some kind of standard BootCamp thing. But the Linux partition fails with "Your Boot Camp virtual disk configuration is out of date".

The trick from Sep 25 no longer works:

cd /Applications/VMware Fusion.app/Contents/Library
./vmware-rawdiskCreator create /dev/disk0 PhysicalLinuxPartitions 3,4 lsilogic
Unable to determine partition start sector(s).

(Compared to Sep 25, partition numbers have been changed to adjust to the numbers that diskutil list now shows:

% diskutil list
/dev/disk0 (internal, physical):
   #:                       TYPE NAME                    SIZE       IDENTIFIER
   0:      GUID_partition_scheme                        *500.3 GB   disk0
   1:                        EFI EFI                     209.7 MB   disk0s1
   2:                 Apple_APFS Container disk1         404.7 GB   disk0s2
   3:                  Apple_HFS Linux EFI               200.3 MB   disk0s3
   4:           Linux Filesystem                         47.1 GB    disk0s4
   5:       Microsoft Basic Data BOOTCAMP                48.1 GB    disk0s5

Figured out a way to do it:

  1. Create another BootCamp partition

    # Copy partition information from the old physical map, but into the new physical disk, with the current offsets.

That works. End result looks like this:
# Extent description
RW 34 FLAT "Boot Camp-pt.vmdk" 0
RDONLY 6 FLAT "/dev/disk0" 34 partitionUUID @disk:diskModel=APPLE|20SSD|20SM0512G,diskSize=500277790720
RW 409600 ZERO
RW 790360024 ZERO
RW 391168 FLAT "/dev/disk0s3" 0 partitionUUID @partition:diskModel=APPLE|20SSD|20SM0512G,diskSize=500277790720,partSize=200278016,partOffset=404874067968,partMediaUUID=E2C92051-7C84-49A6-B681-02B855B959B1,partVolumeUUID=DF8BAE6C-B37D-36D7-A650-75A78232442B
RW 92088320 FLAT "/dev/disk0s4" 0 partitionUUID @partition:diskModel=APPLE|20SSD|20SM0512G,diskSize=500277790720,partSize=47149219840,partOffset=405074345984,partMediaUUID=E531F1DF-1E3B-426B-9D70-422079FDBE06
RW 93855744 ZERO
RW 33 FLAT "Boot Camp-pt.vmdk" 34

Problem is that I now have no network, either in the VM or when booting physically. lspci shows a controller, why doesn't it activate?

03:00.0 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation 82574L Gigabit Network Connection

For some reason, the network service was disabled, fixed with

# systemctl start network.service
  1. systemctl enable network.service